I think that inspiration posts are a fantastic idea, and it will give me a chance to go through my Pinterest boards. Sometime even just browsing through my arts and crafts board will give me the kick I need to start crafting!
So here we go! Some ideas for upcoming projects:
I desperately need a dress form!
http://personalizedfashion.blogspot.se/2010/02/how-to-make-your-own-dress-form.html?m=1 |
http://prettylifeanonymous.blogspot.ro/2013/02/pinnedtriedloved-it-diy-heart-patterned.html |
http://www.trashtocouture.com/2012/03/diy-laced-up-pants.html |
http://pinterest.com/pin/240450067577511336/ |
A pearl embellished collar:
http://www.lovemaegan.com/2012/02/embellished-collar-diy.html |
http://www.polyvore.com/diy_bra_for_backless_tops/set?.embedder=2979535&.svc=pinterest&id=68041722 |
I also have some food inspiration. I really want to try pull-apart bread. Maybe I can convince the chef to make some for me....
http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2013/05/lemon-chia-seed-pull-apart-bread.html |
Actually, this can be dangerous... I will end up posting every thing I've ever pinned!
Love, A