Happy Cinco de Mayo! I don't actually know what that one is all about, other than people getting together and drinking a lot... which is basically all holidays. It is also Orthodox Easter! Happy Easter again! My family is Eastern European so we celebrate that, but not really. But I thought it would be a good time to show off the Easter eggs that I made for regular Easter. I didn't get to show them off, as it was pre-blog. I didn't think I would have a chance to show them until next year, until I remembered Orthodox Easter. To me, holidays are just an excuse to have themed crafts.
I hollowed out the eggs and drew the designs on with a Sharpie.
Just for fun, I hollowed out another egg today and took pictures to show you how.
You will need: a pearl pin, a Dremel, a cone shaped drill bit, an egg, and a bowl.
First poke holes in both ends of the egg. You will have to press quite hard (hence the pearl head... the flat heads hurt!)
Then use the Dremel on the lowest speed, using the pin hole as a guide. Drill a smaller hole on one end (about halfway down the bit) and a bigger one on the other (all the way through with the bit.
The egg was coming out already! Next just make a seal with your mouth around the smaller hole and blow over a bowl. If it doesn't come easily, just make sure you have poked through membrane, go around the hole with the pin a bit. You can use the egg for an omelete or whatever you use eggs for. I made cookies with mine. Leave the empty egg shells in an open container overnight to dry out on the inside, and then decorate as you please!